5 Simple Tips To Travel Comfy On The Plane
Some small tips to travel comfy that can guarantee a more pleasant.
To our more experienced travelers, they will seem banal, but we are sure that there can be here in the midst some gem useful for those who do not travel so frequently or simply for those who have never paid attention to certain aspects. In any case, these small precaution tips can bring lots of travel comfy. Let’s begin!
5 simple tips to travel comfy on the plane
1) Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol
The air in the cabin is quite dry and therefore the possibility of dehydrating is very high. Follow this easy little tip of well – being at high altitude: drink plenty of water in small sips and regular intervals. Alcoholic beverages, on the other hand, if they can help psychophysical relaxation, on the one hand, should be avoided because they have the opposite effect of simple water. Remaining on the topic of dehydration, it is good practice to keep a multi-purpose moisturizer in your hand baggage to avoid dry skin. (But be careful not to exceed the maximum amount of liquids allowed in your hand baggage, ie 100 ml Read here more info about it).
2) Bring your headphones
Normally the headphones provided by the airlines are not of excellent quality. Taking home your own is a trick that can be very useful in order to eliminate unpleasant noises that can disturb the rest or relaxation in flight … including any other “noisy” passengers.
3) Via contact lenses!
Also because of the low humidity present in the cabins of the aircraft, the eyes tend to dry out a lot more quickly: it is therefore advised to avoid contact lenses in favor of the glasses. Upon arrival, you can safely return to wear them as usual.
4) Watch out for empty seats
It is quite common that some seats on flights remain empty. Once you have completed the boarding procedures, if you identify a place that seems best to you, you can ask the crew to be moved. You will earn us in comfort!
5) Search the App!
Before leaving check if the airline provides passengers with an app to download to take advantage of, among other things, entertainment on board; so, for example, you can download the movies on your device and have in real time all the technical information on the flight … that for the most anxious does not hurt!
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