6 traditions to know the Holy Week in Europe
Holy Week in Europe-Non-stop processions, 10-meter tall palms, biblical costumes or a war of jugs are some of the traditions we can find in Europe to celebrate these dates.In this post we offer you a tour of some of them that will not leave you indifferent.
Top Holy Week in Europe
In Poland in the Selassie region the Berenice is celebrated on Palm Sunday in which the palms have a very special role. To do this, long before this date, willow branches are placed outside the houses, which are then embellished with ribbons, leaves and flowers made with colored tissue paper. The idea is that they are as high as possible, even reaching some of them, a height of 10 meters.
It is also a tradition to go to church and wet them with holy water to “stick” symbolically to the relatives with the palm. This gesture ensures happiness throughout the year, in the case of the girls it will also increase its beauty and in the boys’ courage and strength.
Manana , this is how they know their Holy Week in the town of Entente Ge nil in Cordoba , with its climax days on Holy Thursday and Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. Since the late sixteenth century these days are characterized because hundreds of people (who are part of different corporations) are disguised as biblical figures; characters of the old and new testament carrying the martyrdom or attributes that identify them and covering themselves with a “nostril”, which are handmade by the locality.
In Italy in the Sicilian city of Trapping on Holy Friday is the day of the procession of the Mysteries , whose peculiarity is that it lasts 24 hours and is one of the oldest in Sicily. But not only that, it also holds the record of being among those who have been doing more time continuously in Europe , specifically every Holy Friday since Easter 1612 . It is formed by twenty sculptural groups of the s. XVII and XVIII leaving the Church of Purgatory, accompanied by Nazarene, bands of music, and carried on the shoulders by the Mas sari occupying the processions throughout its historic center.
In the north of Germany the Fourposter is celebrated (in Bavaria it is called Judas, the fire of Judas) on Saturday night. It is a great bonfire that symbolizes the beginning of a new stage , spring, leaving behind the cold winter and ending all bad memories.
In Sweden, the Sparring is very traditional and widespread throughout the country, where children dress up as ” Easter wizards ” in long, colorful costumes and paint their cheeks red. Then they visit the homes of the neighbors to ask for the traditional painted eggs .
Another tradition is to go to the forest, take birch branches that are about to sprout and take them home. They decorate them with eggs and feathers (whose meaning is the resurrection) and these are thrown away when Passover has already passed. It is also very typical to send Christmas Easter cakes and, of course, to eat the famous eggs in all possible ways.
On the Greek island of Corfu on Paschal Sunday, at 11 o’clock in the morning, the bells sound the announcement of the resurrection and the traditional ” War of the Jars ” takes place, which involves throwing ceramic objects through the windows or balconies . At the same time the music of the 18 bands of the city is heard. The origin of this tradition seems to be pagan; the idea is that making noise awakens Persephone, the goddess of spring and accelerates the arrival of it.
When planning a route for next week, do not forget the Easter traffic bans. The time for the next “international route” will be extremely low, since the trucks will not be able to pass through Germany on Friday.
The bans on Friday promise to be the following:
- Germany: from midnight until 10 p.m.
- Czech Republic: from 13.00 to 22.00
- Slovakia: from midnight to 10 p.m.
- Slovenia: from 14.00 to 21.00
- Switzerland: throughout the day
- Hungary: from Thursday 22.00 to Friday 22.00
- Italy: from 14.00 to 22.00
The prohibitions will also continue in the following days . In Germany, they will also be valid on Sundays and Mondays, also from midnight until 10 pm. In Poland, the ban will cover three days: Saturday (from 6 pm to 10 pm), as well as Sunday and Monday (from 8 am to 10 pm).
The German bans apply to trucks with a DMC of more than 7.5 tonnes, as well as to all cars with approval of trucks that transport trailers. In Poland, the bans apply from 12 tons and traditionally do not apply to vehicles returning from abroad.
European cities in which to celebrate Holy Week
Sofia: The Bulgarian capital is one of those great unknown among travelers who, little by little, is gaining value. Why it may be? It does not have everything to know in Budapest. Nor is it as cheap as Bucharest or especially attractive but we must recognize that Sofia has something. And that something manifests itself in all its splendor during Holy Week. The Orthodox Catholic religion is closely linked to this country that every year organizes processions and Masses almost daily for two weeks.
One of the most special sensations is to go to one of the churches and be able to check all the splendor in any of the masses. It is a different experience since everything is bathed in the aroma of incense that, in combination with the sacred music, and the devout believers, make this celebration something very special. Sofia is a city with many attractions such as its cheap prices, including food or clothing, and cheap flights thanks to companies like Wizard. In addition, it is not exempt from a lively nightlife thanks to bars like the Buddha Bar.
Bucharest: The city of casinos by monomania also has a tradition that although it is not like the one of Sofia it gives a great attraction to a city of contrasts with especially economic prices. The historic center of the city is worthy of being known and its religious processions are known in Eastern Europe .
London: Perhaps it is one of the most urban capitals of Europe and that is why in this city you can celebrate from Ramadan to Holy Week “without getting upset”. And is that although we all know that this country is more Protestant or Anglican than other things, if you can enjoy a different Easter thanks to Easter eggs.
Do you know the search for Easter eggs? Do not? Well, in London, this beautiful tradition is caught in the bowels of the city of TS Elliot. On Easter Sunday, the search for the Easter egg among the little ones takes place in the botanical garden of Sew Gardens. The Gold Cup Easter Festival, which is a horse racing competition with a long tradition and, in this case, at popular prices, is also celebrated on the main weekend of Easter holidays.
Trapping: One of the most traditional Sicilian cities is also one of the main points where processions are common. Not without reason we find ourselves before the Holy Week of Trapping with great ease. With its large Marian processions highlights the “I Mister procession” through the streets of the historic center.
In Sicily Holy Week is taken very seriously due to the large number of devotees who are there. However, all Italy is a good country to live a very special holidays. Especially if you have the opportunity – and the means – to travel to Rome at this time it will be incredible to be able to count on this city. Flights to Palermo are cheaper from Barcelona and accommodation is more easily found in capital cities. But what makes the celebration in Trapping worthy of our special attention? It holds the first place in the duration of the processions. In fact, I Mister has a duration of 24 hours.
Paris: The Parisian capital is known for many reasons and one of them is the delicious custom of giving chocolates to the little ones. And visiting the capital of France in the spring is always a pleasure.
Remember to wear your raincoat and umbrella because in Paris it is difficult to spend a full week without rain at any time. The possibilities will be numerous in terms of enjoying the best qualities of the usual trips. In fact, it will be possible, even, to count on the best characteristics of all the crossings, always with the guarantees that this reports. Undoubtedly, a wonderful guarantee that this city is waiting for us to give us a knowledge of the best corners of Paris as we had never known before.
Finally, the arrival of Holy Week in Europe is for many the first great getaway of the year. These are days in which many corners of Spain are filled with the smell of incense and burnt wax, flowers, processions , Nazarene, Astoria , rumble of drums and processional marches, Easter cakes, cod fritters and pesetas. A celebration that brings together the arrival of the green, flowery and happy spring that we received after a long and dark winter, and, also, the memory of the last days that, according to the Bible, Christ passed. We already know the importance of this religious celebration in Spain and the devotion it raises, especially in some cities. But what happens in the rest of Europe during these days? Holy Week has a lot of roots in many European countries, although not in all places it is celebrated the same. We take a tour of the old continent looking for some curious traditions that are carried out for these dates so marked in the Christian calendar.
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