How to stay healthy at work

How to stay healthy at work

When the majority of your waking hours are spent at work, it is important to embrace healthy habits, make good lifestyle choices and be prepared for any health-related eventuality.
1. Eat well

Starting your day with a healthy breakfast will prepare you for a busy day at work. Choose low-sugar snacks to avoid blood sugar rushes which can make you vulnerable to spikes and crashes. Choose fruit, raw vegetables and home-made snacks rather than ultra-processed food where possible.

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2. Stay hydrated

The NHS recommends drinking at least 6 cups or glasses of fluid a day. Water is preferred though any fluid is better than none.

3. Move around

Exercise can improve your mental and physical health and it does not need to be a lunchtime jog to feel the benefits. Simply adjusting your position at your desk, taking a short walk around the building or taking the stairs instead of the lift will improve your cardiovascular health and energy levels.

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  1. Take wellbeing breaks

    Particularly when you have deadlines to achieve, it can be hard to stop and walk away but it is essential for your mental health that you take regular wellbeing breaks. Talk to friends, read a book, listen to music or simply get away from the office environment for half an hour. This small break will allow you to reset and return refreshed.

    5. Attend emergency first aid training courses

    First aid courses can help you to risk assess your working environment as well as develop emergency preparedness. Emergency first aid training courses offer an invaluable opportunity to hone your skills so that you will be able to respond appropriately should a colleague be taken ill at work.

    By following these tips, you will be well-placed to enjoy a long and healthy working life.

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