Camping and hiking checklist: Choose which one you need

Camping and hiking checklist

Camping and hiking checklist: Choose which one you need

It’s decided! You are going on a trip to the USA. The tickets are bought, the route is made up, the accommodation in the cities is booked and you understand that, in national parks, you want to stop for spending the night in camping. What do you need to take with you to be ready for marching conditions? Let’s discover the camping and hiking checklist.

Just note, since the speech about camping is in reference to travel to the US, the set of things will be slightly different from the classic hiking trip. Why? Yes, if only because from place to place things you will be transported by car, which means that they can be much more than if they had to be carried everywhere on their own. You know, with thirty kilograms behind shoulders, not up to romance and landscapes.

Camping and hiking checklist

Camping and hiking checklist

So, let’s move from words to deeds and compile a list of the main things (check-list) that will be needed in the tent camp and hike. Plus, I’ll show you what we took.


The choice of tents is now huge and sometimes it is very difficult to decide which one is needed. In my opinion, the main thing is that it is waterproof. Even better, if it is a two-layer: mesh + cloak. Such a tent and air better, and saves from condensation.


The size does not matter if you are going to transport things everywhere in the car and do not plan to go on a long-term hike when you have to carry the equipment on yourself. In this case, you can not take it easy and take a larger tent. Experience has shown that this is more convenient than cramming into a small one.

We, for example, bought a triple-seated Coleman Hooligan tent before the trip. When they first collected it, still at home, it seemed huge. I thought that above us, so small with such a large tent, everyone in the camps would laugh. It turned out that people do not limit themselves at all, sometimes building whole tent palaces. In a large tent it is more convenient to change clothes, have breakfast or have dinner in bad weather, and it is simply easier. For all two months, our tent has not failed us once, having sustained both spots of rain and a wind.

Price of the tent: 90 dollars.

If you have bought a new tent, and even more so, if this is your first tent in life, train to collect it in advance, so as not to suffer then somewhere in the park, and even in the dark. For example, we once watched with Andrews as four children gathered a freshly tented tent for more than an hour, although cases there were about 10-15 minutes.

Sleeping bag

Sleeping bag

A sleeping bag is easier to choose than a tent. The main thing is not to freeze. As it turned out, in some national parks at night it is very, very cold. For example, in Yosemite in July the temperature dropped to +3 by the morning. So it’s better to choose a sleeping bag at the extreme temperature value, with which you expect to encounter.

We bought the simplest sleeping bags of the same company Coleman and experienced with them all the American “frosts”, however, sometimes slept in pants, fleece, and woolen socks.

The price of sleeping bags: 30 and 35 dollars (except for the color they were no different).



The rug (some also called its “foam”) is a useful and useful thing. Because it helps to smooth out all the roughness of pebbles, twigs, and bumps in the back, plus it’s much warmer than sleeping without it. If you roll up the top of it with a roll, then you can do without a pillow.

Rugs we also took the most unpretentious.

Price of the rug: 12 dollars.

Headrest / Inflatable Pillow

Inflatable Pillow

You can take, you can not take, depends on the desire. As described above, you can do with a rug, you can instead use a pillow, for example, a jacket, fleece, shirt, towel.

We used improvised means.



If you are going to go on small trips or just a lot to walk, you can not do without a backpack. I do not mean big backpacks for all-all things, they can ride with you and in suitcases, and anything else. We are talking about small backpacks, which are convenient to take with you to radial sorties, so as not to carry food, water, sunscreen, a camera, when you do not need it, etc. At us, with Андрюсиксом everyone had a personal backpack.

This is the set of things that will definitely be needed by everyone who is going to stop at the campsites. Further, I will list not less necessary accessories, but their set can vary depending on personal wishes and preferences.

Kitchen accessories

Kitchen accessories

One way or another, you’ll have to cook. To go every time somewhere to have breakfast and supper, to spend on this precious time, as for me, is not too convenient. If a day or two, you can still, but if you spend the night in campsites constantly, it is more convenient not to depend on all cafes and restaurants. And then what is the meaning of camping? It’s so romantic to wake up, wash, immediately, without leaving the tent to have breakfast and go to meet impressions. So, what will be needed?



Buy better in advance and with a margin in some supermarkets such as Walmart, Safeway, etc. Why? Then, in small towns adjacent to national parks, little shops are unlikely to please their prices. Almost all of them live at the expense of tourists and enjoy this in full.



Water should always be with a margin, it does not happen much. We also used the water that was collected in the parks (it is clean and suitable for drinking and cooking) and bottled. If you worry about the park water, you can use special cleaning products, but I think in this case it’s easier to buy water in the store. We took with us one large spare canister and constantly bought packages with small half-liter bottles (and they are convenient to use and you can always throw them into your small backpack).

Stove or gas burner

Are you going to prepare yourself? You will have to buy a compact gas stove or a burner. Yes, in all organized campsites there is a place for a fire and a grill, on which you can cook, but to build a fire every time you just want to boil water or quickly cook pasta, at least, uncomfortable.


We bought a gas burner, more precisely two. First bought a small one, but it turned out that it was not the most convenient, because the flame “hits the target”, a small spot in the center of the pan, without heating the bottom evenly. Later bought a large burner, which was too big for our pots)) and did not find their ideal option.

Burners will need gas cylinders with a mixture of butane and propane. It is better to buy immediately with a margin because in some places they were not found in stores. We bought, basically, in Walmart.

Prices: a small burner – $ 11, a large burner – $ 8, a small gas cylinder – $ 5, a large – $ 10.

There are also whole portable plates, working from cylinders with pure propane. They are not particularly expensive, and we saw many people using them. By the way, cylinders with pure propane are much more common.

In campsites, you can not collect firewood, you can only use purchased ones (unless the rules specify otherwise). Why? Because “rolling unnecessary” wood is a nutrient for other plants. So for firewood, you also have to spend money. Several logs cost from 3 to 9 dollars.



Pots (or at least one) will be needed for sure, otherwise how to cook? We had fashionable expensive titanic saucepans from Snow Peak (300 and 900 ml), which we kindly lent to the car. If we did not spoil one of these vessels and would not have to buy a replacement, we would not have known how much they cost)) They ruined, by the way, an inconvenient little burner, “striking at the target.” This “baby” has managed to cripple a titanium pan!

So, we had a small pot of 300 ml, in which we boiled water for tea and coffee and a large 900 ml bowler in which soups, garnishes, etc. were prepared. By the way, this size was enough. Plus the lid from the large bowler can be used as a frying pan.

The dishes of Snow Peak are very high quality, light, compact and convenient. The only negative is the price. I think at one time you can buy something simpler.

Price of pots: 900 ml – 40-60 dollars, 300 ml – 20-30 dollars.



There is no mandatory set of utensils, all at personal discretion. At least useful cups, plates, spoons, forks, knife. It is possible that containers will be useful, especially if you are going to take food with you on a hike. Believe me, it’s so nice to sit somewhere in the nature in the middle of the park and have dinner.

Inexpensive plastic tableware can be easily found in any Walmart.

Biodegradable soap

Biodegradable soap

A good thing for washing dishes, which allows you not to damage the nature of any not very useful components contained in conventional detergents.

You can also buy in the supermarket Walmart in the department with hiking things for $ 5-10, it seems.



The issue of navigation is important, but mainly when moving from the city to the city and by populated areas. In parks, as a whole, there are no problems – it’s very difficult to get lost since everywhere there are full of pointers, schemes and other auxiliary tools. In any case, the following things will not be superfluous:



It’s great to have paper maps of states and cities. They, unlike GPS, give a general picture. Looking at the huge cards on the floor of the car, everything, strangely enough, immediately becomes clear. They are often marked by almost all the campsites. We used such cards many, many times during the trip.

You can buy maps, at gas stations in the States or in any Visitor Center of national parks. In advance, you can order on

GPS and car navigator


GPS is the right assistant on any journey. We have been using the Garmin Oregon 450 for a year now and can not imagine how you can navigate without it. It is thanks to this faithful friend that we can go anywhere and not be afraid that we will get lost. It is used for pedestrian movements.

For a comfortable ride on the car, it is desirable to have a car navigator with a large screen, in another country it will be difficult to travel. If you rent a car at a rental office, then most likely the navigator will be attached to it.



We did not take the compass as unnecessary, but you, if you are going to get into some distant distances and are not equipped with a navigator, take it. Suddenly useful? For example, in the Valley of Death, not so many trees, especially with moss, which you can determine the sides of the world))

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

It is not necessary to take a full set of medicines with sleeping pills and means of motion sickness, but here are hydrogen peroxide, bandages and something soothing is best to always have at hand, that is, at the bottom of a small backpack. Whether it is not enough that? “I fell down, I came to, plaster …”

Plaster is also better to grab, especially if you bought before the trip, new sandals or sneakers.

Before the trip does not hurt to arrange insurance traveler, you never know what. Medicines and medical services in the United States are very expensive, it’s better not to save a few thousand rubles.



Used creams Banana Boat, brought back from Mexico, then bought in the States the self-titled spray for 8 bucks. By the way, it protects well from the sun and is pleasant to use.

The remedy for mosquitoes and other midges. Mosquitoes almost did not bother us, with rare exceptions. The spray was used a couple of times.


Even if you do not like this accessory, it is better to wear it, because the glasses protect the eyes not only from the sun but also from dust. In any supermarket, you can buy decent points for 10-20 dollars.

Lip balm

Even Andrusyks used my lip balm because when you spend days walking under the scorching sun rays, lips without protection, like skin, burn out. A most unpleasant sensation!


Without a hat, it’s generally better not to stick out into the parks. Earn a heat stroke is easy!

I note that in some parks in souvenir shops sell pretty hat (about 30 dollars). One such I just bought in the Visitor Center of the Dead Horse Park.

Additional useful things

Personal things (with this each will understand itself, as well as with clothes). The main thing, do not forget warm things: if possible, grab not only the jacket/fleece but also a light jacket. Warm socks are also very useful. In the mornings and evenings it can be very cold (Yosemite, Bryce Canyon, Sequoia).

  • Towel.
  • Toothbrush and paste.
  • Toilet paper.
  • Personal hygiene items

All sorts of wet wipes, antibacterial liquids will come in handy. Because, firstly, not all campsites have water, and secondly, these things are convenient to use directly in the hike.

Flashlight or even not one

We use foreheads – it is very convenient, especially when you have to collect a tent in the dark. In principle, any cheap Chinese will do – for us. It has been working for many years no worse than the fashionable Petzl.



What is it, why is it needed and how to choose headlamps? This thing can be useful in parks, in which there is a probability of attempting bears on your food. In general, in such parks, there is a special iron box in each tent place, in which it is necessary to lock all the food and everything that smells (for more details click here ). That’s why, in fact, this bank has never been useful (it was used simply as a container for all sorts of trifles).

Such a container is actual to take if you are going to spend the night parks, not in campsites. There are no special boxes. In this case, it is better to hide all the most odorous ones in a jar and take it away at night away from the place of spending the night.

If you believe the producers and advertising, the bear cannot overcome such a jar and everything will remain intact.

Food container

At one time they thought how to order food supplies in the trunk and did not think of anything better than how to buy a foam plastic container in one of the supermarkets. It turned out very convenient.

The price of the container: 3-10 dollars.

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